Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Foster kittenless
Perkins has been brilliant ever since I've had him. Called Perkins because he always purrs, Purrrkins! He's the most laid back and relaxed cat and I've even gathered a collection of photos of Perkins sleeping in silly ways. He's always hanging round the fridge trying to get food and loves the other cats dearly. I cooked him mince for his birthday but he wasn't that fussed, preferred his good ol' favourite chicken ham.
He's a real little sunshine in my life everyday, Happy Birthday Perkins!
Wednesday, 11 August 2010
Monday, 9 August 2010
An empty room
First there's Daisy. She was my fussy eater, she must have tried every cat food on the market! She would eat her dinner for one day like it was her favourite and then refuse it the next! Thankfully she ended up eating the same as everyone else in the end. She loved to be combed and would purr and purr, if we could have kept her then we would have!
Then there's Hits, what a champ. Throughout he's been my most consistent kitten. He ate every meal, he was never fussy, never ill, always full of life and looking after the others. When you have an ill litter you always need a Hits, one you don't worry about, one who loves you and loves fuss and is just ok and well. He really wants to be a hairdresser I think as he spent so much time on my shoulders doing my hair.
Then there is Dave, he was just fluff and bone when I got him, there was no meat on him and I think he weighed a tiny 400g. He was just so tiny and I was very concerned for him, especially as he would only eat ham. Along the way he turned grey too! It was his and Daisy's fluffiness that gave me the skunks tag name for them!
Lastly but not leastly there is Sissy, this was when she wanted to just be by the water bowl all the time. I eventually set her up a bed there as she was just sleeping there all the time too. She later became really crazy and biting me all the time but managed to get to stop that. Today when I took her to the shelter, I held her and she padded my chest, she knew it was goodbye.
So farewell my skunks, it's been really lovely having you for the past two months, may the rest of your lives be wonderful and happy and filled with love and ham.
Friday, 6 August 2010
the date is set
It was back in early June when I was first asked to take the skunks home. When I went to collect them they were in seperate pairs in the isolation unit and they were really crummy. If I remember right Daisy and Dave were together and I held Daisy and she fitted in the palm of my hand. Sissy and Hits were also together and Hits ran straight up to me and started climbing on me (he still does this now!) and Sissy was trying to eat some fish and not doing a very good job of it. When I took them home they were eating just coley fish which I was having to warm up in the microwave several times a day.
It was quickly apparent that Sissy really wasn't very well, she was constantly dehydrated and everytime she ate her tummy ballooned. She was also very very thin. I had to start getting them to the shelter in the morning and then getting them back home in the evening so that they woulc have round the clock care. It was a nightmare, the shelter isn't even on my way to work! She spent a lot of time sleeping next to the waterbowl. Dave was also very poorly and sometimes wouldn't even get out of his bed when I went in their room. Thankfully with a lot of time and support they began to do better and get strong and start playing.
Since then they have continued to thrive, Daisy and Dave getting more fluffy, Sissy getting more cuddly and Hits pretty much being the same crazy and lovely boy only bigger.
We've come a long way in two months and to foster kittens this old for two months is quite unusual, as they were about seven weeks old when I got them; so I guess they are about three and half months old now.
I also just want to mention their mum, who sadly died. Although I didn't foster her, I did see her rushed through the shelter on the day she passed away and I just want to remember her too because she brought the skunks into the world and did a great job with them too. Apparently Daisy kitten looks just like her, so thanks skunks' mum.
Wednesday, 4 August 2010
Just pictures today
Monday, 2 August 2010
Spotlight on.... Ellie, Ed and Kitty
The fabulous four are still here
Monday, 26 July 2010
the fabulous four
But I've got some pictures to share! Haven't they grown?!
Wednesday, 16 June 2010
A new litter arrives
This is Dave, he did come with a fancy name but I can't remember it so I've been calling him Dave, he looks like a Dave. He's just the sweetest pea ever. He's been quite quiet so I think he's been feeling a bit poorly but hopefully we're getting there.
This little cheeky chappy is Hans. Heaffectionate and has taken to jumping on my shoulders and giving me a new hairstyle, he's been very creative and so far we're had the Rachel from FRIENDS look and the just been pulled through a hedge backwards, the latter is more popular!
Poor old Sissy doesn't look well here at all, and in her defence she has been really poorly. She's taken to sleeping next to the water bowl so I've had to install a bed right next to it. She's just very thin and has a constant upset tummy but I am hopeful, I've had kittens like her before and I hope she'll pull through.
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Spotlight on....Claude and Maggie
She went into labour late one Saturday night and by the morning it was obvious something was wrong as she'd not had any kittens. I took her to an emergency vet where my worst fears were confirmed. As she was only a kitten herself (five months old) her body wasn't ready to have kittens and they'd got stuck trying to come out. Sadly three kittens were still born but a fourth lived. I named the kitten Maggie and she struggled through for two weeks before passing away quietly.
I feel like I owe it to Maggie to write about her, she's the kitten that has affected me more than no other that I've fostered. Most kittens I am lucky and they pull through but it wasn't meant to be for her and I still blame myself now.
Claude was spayed and returned to her feral colony. I always take comfort it that Claude won't have to go through it all again and also if she'd not been in my care, she would have probably died herself.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Little bundle of monkeys
She's got the best sight of the lot and runs all over me and was in fact doing laps round me the other day. She's a bit of a rat for not eating her dinner but she's getting there and is a really lovely girl.
And this happy little squeaker is Jazz! Isn't he lovely. He's so noisy and just cries so he knows where you are. Jazz is a bit mental and runs about all fluffed up and does the sideways crab run too. He's great!
So yep they are all doing great. I think they are going to have to be homed in pairs, I think it'll be a big committment for the new owners but they seem to rely on each other so much for getting around and knowing where things are.
Wednesday, 14 April 2010
Dinner for all
Last night all the kittens had some proper cat food dinner for the first time. Tulip has been eating for about five days and the others have recently started trying to chew things, like cat litter and the edge of the litter tray. Last night I put out Smitten’s dinner and Percy and Cesc just went over to it and started eating it! I’d been trying to get them to eat for a couple of days but I was very pleased they just went and started eating on their own.
I wanted Jazz to eat too because he’s always chewing things and also likes to have a drink of water; in fact when he has a drink it’s very adorable. He knows he’s at the water bowl so he leans forward to have a drink but he always ends up putting his whole nose in the bowl and spluttering a bit! So I put a little food in Jazz’s mouth and he eventually got the hang of it and ate some food too, until Tulip came along and wanted more dinner and then I had to hand feed them both which was really tricky.
They are all still in their big nest area when I am not at home and overnight. Although the room they are in is quite safe and kitten-proofed, there is a book case in there which I worry they will climb into and knock something out of and because they are wobbly and run into things I just want them to be safe. But they love coming out the nest and charging round the room, Cesc in particular goes really loopy and bounces about. Talking of Cesc I am going to have to make the sides of the nest higher as she’s getting close to climbing out.
I also found out last night that Smitten likes carrying toys around in her mouth. I found her favourite catnip candy cane toy in the nest and didn’t remember putting it in there, so I took it out and played with Smitten with it and then she just picked it up in her mouth and jumped back into the nest and put it in there! She’s very chatty at the moment and really interested in my cats but she’ll be staying in her own room until she’s ready to go to a new home.
Monday, 12 April 2010
A good weekend
On Sunday Bev from Wood Green came to check on them for me as I’d been worried about them due to their funny behaviour. She tried a few different tests on them, like looking at their reflexes and looking in their eyes and said that it looks like they might have some sight problems. Cesc’s sight is the best, as she seems to be able to see some things and can nearly catch a toy. Percy’s sight is not great, but not awful and he seems to cope ok. Tulip has responded well to my voice and her sight isn’t great but can work well with sounds. Jasmine (who is now definitely Jazz as he’s a boy) has the least sight it seems, as he tends to fall over a lot and bump into things. He also likes to lick things like the wall or floor… But in a few weeks I’ll take them to the shelter for a proper check up to see what their sight is like.
But they’re all full of life and running around meowing and playing. Cesc likes to be picked up and cuddled and held really close and they’re all enjoying human company. Smitten is also doing really well, she’s now up to five to six sachets a day and I’m no longer keeping a food diary for her anymore. She loves being combed and brushed and chatting to me. I’ve been trying to get her to sit on the windowsill to have a look outside but she’s not that interested. She does however love her catnip candy cane!
Tonight I am going to build an extension to their nest as they are getting bigger to give them more room to run around and play in safely.
Friday, 9 April 2010
Wobbling around
Little Tulip is struggling to put on weight, she's only put on 2g in three days. I'm trying not to worry about her too much and focus on the fact she's not losing weight. She is feeding well and looks like she's suckling, I'm just a little worried as she's nearly 100g less than her sibling Percy. Cesc is also quite light but she does put on a little weight each day. Each day I put Tulip on the scales I hope it's the day she'll have gained weight but only a 2g increase yesterday and the same weight for the two previous days.
It's hard to tell how old the kittens are, they must be at least two weeks old as their eyes are open and they are walking around. I am thinking they are more three weeks old but they are quite wobbly. But I don't know if the wobbliness is actually due to the fact they can't see and they're struggling to work their way round the nest. I don't know, I can't help feeling a little lost with this litter as I've never seen kittens that cry so much and I've not seen kittens behaving like them either and I've been doing this for years!
Fingers crossed for a weight gain for Tulip tomorrow
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Two day update
What's really great about these kittens is that they really like me! Most young kittens don't mind humans but these ones really like me. They meow and squeal to be tickled and picked up. They hold onto my fingers and fall asleep on my hand when I leave it in their bed. They are truely adorable.